About Us


Growing up I didn’t have the best of confidence . I was always shy , quiet , and always stayed to myself . It was so much things that I wanted to do but I was just so nervous and scared because I didn’t want anybody to laugh at me or just think down on me . But as I got older I realized that I am me and I can do anything I put my mind to . Forget what other people think YOU have a purpose ! , this is your life ! Make your dream into your reality and don’t ever let nobody tell you , you can’t do it . I always struggled with things that I wanted to do . And I always changed my mind a lot . But I’m here to tell you that’s it’s okay ! It’s apart of life , it’s apart of who we are . it’s okay to fail ! just get back up and try again , never give up ! no matter how long it takes you will get there and you will meet SUCCESS!!!


Armanilu is a clothing brand that is created to motivate others to be the best that they can be . The butterfly is a representation of elevation. When you Focus , Elevate , and Grind you then meet Success Don’t Wait ! Elevate ! Be You and rock ArmaniLu 



  • Focus - think about what you want to do and put all your energy into it ! 
  • Elevate- Become the person you want to be ! be your higher self and let go of all distractions
  • Grind- WORK FOR IT ! go hard in everything and anything that you do !
  • Success - Once you focus , elevate , and grind you then have accomplish your goal of Success .